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Who is a terrorist?

Disclaimer:  There are sarcastic elements in the article below. Or so says that “Author” guy. So those who get offended by the fact that there is nothing to get offended about, ZIP IT. I mean, he advises reader discretion. Pretty please…. Who is a terrorist?  Oxford Dictionary defines the term “terrorist” as - “A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” So, a person who brings harm upon others to achieve a political end.  Is freedom a political notion? Of course, it is. But there are many forms of freedom – Gender freedom, Religious freedom, Geographical freedom, Economic freedom, Political freedom, Diet freedom. Oh... and one last form of freedom - Racial freedom.  (Hey… wanna know a secret? I don’t consider this freedom equal to those other superior freedoms.) Let me question the notion from the beginning. Have there been any terrorist attacks for Gender freedom? Not many. Apart from some
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