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Showing posts from August, 2018

Who are we?

We, the people of Kerala were affected by a major disaster last month. We lost our houses, our loved ones, our earnings, and many more. But we gained something from it. We gained Unity from it. We gained Knowledge from it. We know that help can come from the most unexpected. We know who are our friends and who are not. We know who stood with us and who did not. We know who took it as a chance and who did not. We know who blamed us and who did not. We know who came down to be among us and who sat in their silver chair. We know that we are divided by our mindset and not by religion. We know that we can become one, if we need to. We know that we would not stand by while some of us suffer. We know who are the real journalists and who are not. We know that shameless got a new meaning and it is   enduring. We know that we are warriors who do not give up. We know that we are free to do as we would. We know that we are free to eat what we want to. We kno